Tooth nerve pain

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  1. causes of dental nerve inflammation
  2. symptoms of dental nerve inflammation
  3. how to treat dental neuritis
  4. how to permanently kill a dental nerve
  5. how to kill a dental nerve
  6. prevention of dental neuritis

Dental nerve inflammation is a bacterial or viral infection that affects the nerve of the tooth, and the nerve of the tooth is a nerve that extends from the nervous system to the roots of the tooth, and contains blood vessels and supporting tissues.

Usually the inflammation in the nerve extends to the area next to it, reaching the area of ​​​​enamel and dentin, which causes severe tooth pain.


Causes of dental nerve inflammation

Neglecting oral health.

Injury to the tooth and leaving it untreated to later extend to the nerve.

Exposure to various fractures that may affect the pulp and nerves of the tooth

The pulp and nerves of the roots of the teeth, as well as the gums, are susceptible to periodontal infection.

Postponing the treatment of dental caries exposes one to the problem of neuritis of the teeth.


Symptoms of dental nerve inflammation

Dental neuritis is associated with a number of different symptoms, the most prominent of which are the following:

Severe and persistent pain in the tooth.

Swollen and swollen gums.

The occurrence of an abscess in the teeth or gums, and the abscess is defined as yellow-colored pus and a foul smell

How to treat dental neuritis

When treating the main cause of dental nerve inflammation, the nerve heals completely and the pain disappears, and this condition often works if you see a doctor as soon as you feel a slight pain before it becomes severe.

In this case, the reason is most often:

Tooth decay: It is treated by placing crowns.

Gingivitis: treated with antibacterial drugs.

Remove the nerve by pulling on it.

In the event that the nerve is severely damaged and there is no possible percentage of its treatment, the nerve is pulled to permanently get rid of the dental nerve inflammation and repair the tooth, and this is done by following the following steps:

The doctor first cleans the entire tooth from decay.

To access the nerve space, the doctor makes a hole in the tooth.

The doctor works to pull out the nerve and affected tissue with special tools and very carefully. The doctor cleans all the canals in the dental nerve. This is because forgetting to clean any part leads to the return of inflammation and pain again, and with the development of devices used during the operation, it became easier, as X-rays are used to determine the depth of the roots and thus clean the roots. the roots. The whole pulp.

The doctor works to fill the tooth with a temporary filling until the preparation of the permanent filling, which is called the artificial crown.

The doctor performs several sessions that require filling the nerve and the entire tooth, and the doctor may add a dowel to the affected tooth if it is very eroded.

Teeth extraction

It is an option that the patient loves very much, it is a quick and inexpensive option and the effect is immediate, but the patient often needs to treat the inflammation of the dental nerve with antibiotics so that the doctor can extract the tooth without worrying about it. The spread of infection and increased pain.

This method, despite its positiveness, which the patient believes, is very negative from a medical point of view, as it leads to the following:

Loss of age is very detrimental to the digestive process.

The gums will be pressed, increasing the likelihood of gum disease.


How to permanently kill a dental nerve

When a dental procedure known as a root canal is performed, the affected nerve inside the tooth is removed, the canals holding it in and disinfected, and the canals closed with an inert, biocompatible material. This procedure is commonly referred to as "nerve killing."

There is another way  how to kill a dental nerve

cold compress; Apply ice to the affected side for 15 minutes and 15 minutes. ...

Rinse with salt water. ...

Listerine rinse. ...

Hydrogen peroxide rinse. ...

oregano oil. ...

Mint tea bag. ...

garlic. ...

Thyme oil and clove oil


Prevention of dental neuritis Maintain oral and dental hygiene by cleaning them on a daily basis.  Use effective materials in cleaning the teeth in terms of toothpaste and brush.  Use the appropriate floss and lotion.  See your doctor twice a year

Prevention of dental neuritis

Maintain oral and dental hygiene by cleaning them on a daily basis.

Use effective materials in cleaning the teeth in terms of toothpaste and brush.

Use the appropriate floss and lotion.

See your doctor twice a year.



Do not rinse your mouth with over-the-counter medicines for toothaches, such as hydrogen peroxide, diluted bleach, lemon juice, etc., in an effort to "kill the infection." They might make your teeth more sensitive and/or hurt your mouth chemically.

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