Heart diseases

Congenital heart disease, Irregular heartbeat, coronary artery disease, Expanded heart condition,heart and blood,Heart disease treatment,Heart disease

Early signs of heart failure

Cardiomyopathy can affect any of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and any part of the heart, and also the most common heart diseases is a coronary syndrome or coronary syndrome in its various forms.

Causes of heart disease,

Significant risk factors for heart disease include smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Many alternative medical conditions and temporary lifestyle decisions can also put individuals at risk for heart disease, as well as diabetes. Overweight and obesity.

The disorder refers to a group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels in your body. These diseases can affect one or more components of the intestine or blood vessels. An asymptomatic person is also physically ill or asymptomatic and does not feel anything at all

Early signs of congestive heart failure:-

  1. Congenital heart disease
  2. Irregular heartbeat
  3. coronary artery disease
  4. Expanded heart condition
  5. Pulmonary embolism

Some coronary heart assaults are surprising and severe. Most, however, begin gradually with only minor pain or discomfort.t. Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve a feeling of discomfort in the middle of the chest that lasts for a few minutes - or that escapes so you have to come back. You will feel uncomfortable pressure, pressure, fullness, or pain.
Discomfort in alternate areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or each arm, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
Shortness of breath. This may occur with or during the chest discomfort.
other signs. Alternate, actionable signs include cold sweats, nausea, or dizziness.

Heart disease list

1. Congenital heart disease

A severe congenital heart defect can sometimes be detected at intervals of hours, days, weeks, or months at birth. Symptoms of coronary heart sickness include:
Lightweight gray or blue leather.
swelling in the legs, belly, or eye area.
Shortness of breath while eating leads to a short increase in weight.
Less severe birth defects are usually diagnosed only in late childhood or possibly adulthood. Symptoms of non-serious congenital heart defects include:
Shortness of breath easily as a result of physical activity or sports.
ease of fatigue brought by physical exertion or sports.
Fluid buildup in the heart or lungs.
swelling of the ankles, feet, or hands.

2. Irregular heartbeat

Sudden heart disease may be due to psychiatric problems, exercise or simply taking restrictive medications, and in alternative rare cases, the cause is also a medical condition.

In most cases, sudden arrhythmia is not a cause for concern or fear, however, at other times, it will be the result of a medical condition that needs direct medical intervention.
These are the most common causes of sudden cardiac arrhythmias:
Way of life Psychostimulants Taking some medications whose secretion changes due to the menstrual cycle
If the patient has a fever. Take some flavors or supplements. Getting dehydrated or not drinking enough water

3 . Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease is the build-up of fatty substances on the inner walls of the coronary blood vessels, which thin them and make the blood uncomfortable to carry.

Once the passage of blood within the coronary arteries becomes difficult, {this can This will may This can} deprive the visceral muscle of the obligatory nutrition and necessary oxygen, and over time these arteries may rupture due to the accumulation of fat in them, causing an attack or even death.

4 . Expanded heart condition

Associated cardiomegaly refers to a condition in which the viscera appear larger than normal, and the heart will also enlarge if the muscles are overworked and thus fatigued so that they need to become thicker or if the heart chambers dilate, making the heart's pumping troublesome. the blood.
However, the associated cardiomegaly is not a disease in itself, but rather a symbol of an underlying heart problem.

5 Pulmonary embolism

An embolism obstruction is usually caused by swelling.
In most cases, clots occur once a central vessel inside the lungs becomes suddenly blocked, and

are not fatal, but they will certainly cause injury to the lungs.
However, if the blood clot is so large that it can block an important vessel and stop blood flow through it to the lungs, the results are fatal, and immediate treatment of such a condition can save the life of the affected person and reduce the potential future consequences and damage.

Early signs of congestive heart failure:- Congenital heart disease Irregular heartbeat coronary artery disease Expanded heart condition Pulmonary embolism

Heart disease treatment

Treatment of heart diseases can be divided into three main groups, depending on the type of disease and its stage of development:

Changes in way of life

A good diet and lifestyle can help treat some diseases and prevent them from getting worse, and they can also help avoid heart disease.

Drug therapy

For the majority of heart disorders, there is a large variety of medications available. The most commonly used drugs are:

Lower cholesterol with statins.

Beta-blockers are used to treat heart attacks, heart failure, and excessive blood pressure because they make the heart work less and beat less quickly, lowering blood pressure and less stress on the heart muscle. It is used to treat high blood pressure, relieve chest pain, and stop recurrent heart attacks.

They block the production of the chemical that narrows blood vessels and help manage high blood pressure when used to treat heart failure and high blood pressure.

For aspirin to prevent blood clots.

 These medications help keep the arteries open. Blood clots can obstruct blood flow and lead to a heart attack or stroke, so anticoagulants, which prevent blood from clotting or prevent existing clots from growing, The discomfort in the chest is relieved as the blood vessels are dilated with nitroglycerin.

Calcium channel blockers, 

which dilate blood vessels, are used to treat chest discomfort and excessive blood pressure.


They are commonly referred to as "water pills" because they help lower blood pressure by reducing body fluids.

Other medicines

During a heart attack, patients are given clot-busting drugs to dissolve blood clots in a coronary artery and resume blood flow.

Heart disease prevention

Some types of heart disease, such as congenital diseases, cannot be prevented, but other types of heart disease can be prevented by following these preventive steps:

Eat a balanced diet, stick to low-fat and high-fiber foods, eat 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, increase whole grain intake, reduce salt and sugar consumption, and replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats.

Exercising regularly strengthens the heart and blood circulation, reduces cholesterol, and keeps blood pressure in balance.

Make sure you reach the ideal weight for your height.

Quit smoking and alcohol.

Control conditions that affect heart health, such as high blood pressure or diabetes

Warning and disclaimer:-

    We are a blog, Earn YOUR HEALTH. We warn and absolve ourselves of all drug prescriptions before consulting your doctor because they can lead to serious complications. We are here to post useful information only.

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